As you like it | William Shakespeare

Studio Kinitiras | 2010


Eroticism & Madness: Aspects of Another Revolt | Extract from Director’s Note


‘It is strange the fact that each strong revolutionary movement brings in the proscenium the issue of ‘free love’. For some, it is considered as revolutionary progress, a shake of the old traditional values that are no longer necessary…’

Friedrich Engels


In Shakespeare’s ‘As you like it’, the erotic material and the madness of love acquire the dynamics of entropy, they penetrate the play with the form of a substance that is capable of overthrowing every known condition and barrier, concerning both the phenomenon of life, as well as that of human relationships. What is the meaning of the difference between ugliness and beauty, rationality and madness, male and female, tranquillity and passion, when the “anarchic” potential of erotic impulse, along with the euphoric feeling of revelled irrational erotic element, intervene? Bodies, souls and spirits, linked in an unbreakable unity, are released from the social legislated limits of their own existence (social class, sex etc). Perhaps it is a peculiar form of return to a primordial, non-differentiated chaos; a return to the strong and desirable, for every individual, state of Androgynism, where in the same body coexist simultaneously the Female and the Male, in an endless process of reconciliation and conflict, attraction and repulsion.




Production Credits:
Written by: William Shakespeare
Translated by: Savvas Stroumpos
Directed by: Savvas Stroumpos
Adaptation: Zero Point Theatre Group
Set & Costume Design: Zero Point Theatre Group
Lighting Design: Kostas Bethanis
Scenic Objects: Maria Sideri
Photographer: Christos Kiriakogonas
Trailler: Vagelis Bessis


Rosalind | Antigone Riga
Orlando | Miltiadis Fiorentzis
Touchstone & Phoebe | Rosa Prodromou
Celia & Silvius | Eleana Georgouli
Jacob | all the actors

The play’s translation is published by the Alfeios publications.

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