Anton Chekhov | the Seagull
Samuel Beckett | Not I
Aeschylus | The Persians
Franz Kafka | Report to an Academy
Happy Days | Samuel Beckett
Waiting for Godot | Samuel Beckett
Kafka Fragments | Gyorgy Kurtag
Troas | Dimitris Dimitriadis
We | Yevgeny Zamiatin
Translation: David Malteze
Woyzeck |Georg Büchner
Translation: Ioana Meitani
Cover design: Giorgos Kolios
Nefeli Publications 2013 | Series: Theatre – Performance|112 pages | soft cover
ISBN: 978-960-504-078-9
Metamorphosis | Die Verwandlung | Franz Kafka
Translation: Savvas Stroumpos & Danai Spilioti.
Nefeli Publications 2012 | Series: Theatre – Performance-Literature| 228 pages | soft cover
ISBN 978-960-504-009-3
The Justs | Les Justes | Alber Camus
Translation: Savvas Stroumpos
Nefeli Publications 2011 | Series: Theatre – Performance | 228 pages | soft cover
ISBN : 9602119837
In the Penal Colony | In der Strafkolonie | Franz Kafka
Translation: Savvas Stroumpos
Nefeli Publications 2009 | Series: Theatre – Performance- Literature | 141 pages | soft cover
ISBN : 978-960-211-904-4

As you like it | William Shakspeare
Translation: Savvas Stroumpos
Alfeios Publications 2010 | Series: English Theatre Plays | 220 pages | soft cover
ISBN : 978-960-6679-12-4